sliStudios Web Development, Website Design, Digital Marketing, Advertising Design - Miami Beach


sliStudios Web Development, Website Design, Digital Marketing, Advertising Design - Miami Beach

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How do you get the design you want? The perfect design you envision in your head? … The design brief is the answer.

Whether you are a designer or a client, an effective design brief is the single most critical factor in ensuring that a project is successful.

This article will tell you how to write an effective design brief that will be both beneficial to the client and the designer.

This article will be based from the client’s perspective.

What Is A Design Brief?

First off, you may want to know what a design brief is. A design brief is something that is vital to any design project as it will provide the designer(s) with all the information needed to exceed your expectations.

A design brief should primarily focus on the results and outcomes of the design and the business objectives of the design project. It should not attempt to deal with the aesthetics of design… That is the responsibility of the designer.

The design brief also allows you (the client) to focus on exactly what you want to achieve before any work starts on the project.

A good design brief will ensure that you get a high quality design that meets your needs, and matches your digital marketing goals, providing you have chosen the right designer.

Writing the Design Brief.

If you answer these questions below in an ordered and detailed fashion, your design brief will be 90% done… the other 10% will come from further questions from the website designer after you submit your brief.

Have fun answering the questions and remember, provide as much detail as possible! This does not mean one line answers.


What does
your business do?

Tip: Never assume that the designer will know anything about your company. Be clear and  concise  and avoid jargon when replying.


What are the goals?

Tip: You should also provide old promotional material to assist the designer.


Who is the
target market?

Tip: If you have multiple audiences, rank them in terms of importance.


What copy (text)
and pictures are needed?

Tip: The copy and pictures used in a design are as crucial as the design itself and you should clearly state who is going to be providing the copy and pictures if needed.  You may need to look into getting a professional copywriter / photographer – ask your designer for some recommendations.


What are
the specifications?


What are the user actions
and objectives?


Have you got
a benchmark in mind?


What Is Your Budget?


What is the
time scale / deadline?

Tip: Rushing design jobs helps no one and mistakes can be made if a complex job is pushed through without time to review, however, there are times when a rush job is needed, and in these cases you should be honest and upfront about it.

This guide is to help you, the Client, to start really thinking about your website project in depth and take into consideration all aspects of the project goals.

Use this as a starting point to further the conversation with sliStudios or any other design firm you choose to work with.

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